How to create the perfect motivational morning routine

By Allison Isambert, our parisienne Life’s Rails Blog Contributor

Routine, in a COVID World has…

A girl wearing jeans while finishing up work on her labtop to start off a motivational routine

added a new dimension of stress to our lives. Now more than ever the perfect motivational morning routine is the key to a productive day. Get out of those sweatpants and back into your jeans.

France experienced one of the tightest lock downs in the world and I had a number of friends and family members have asked me what I was doing to pass the time. As a tour guide obviously, business is down and I had to ramp up my other projects. My C-19 routine makes the rest of the day better with just 5 little ritual’s. 

Sleep, Sleep and Sleep

A girl sleeping in bed to make sure her next day routine is productive

The most important start to the day begins the night before with a full night of shut-eye. Sleep is underrated, but studies show this is the time when healing occurs, not just for the body, but for the mind as well. Try to set up a good sleep routine to ensure a restful night. I wear an eye mask to black out the light which aides me in achieving a deeper slumber. The minute my mask goes on, it triggers my body to start shutting down and I’m usually asleep within minutes.

How do you start off a well-rested day?

A girl having her daily yoga routine in the morning in her house

I wake rested and get going on a quick morning workout. I don’t stop for emails or even caffeine, I go straight into the activity of choice. I like to change my workouts to keep them exciting, so they don’t become a monotonous routine. I walk a lot which is it’s a great way to get to know different things around your neighborhood. Sometimes when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I may only notice the negatives like trash not being properly disposed of, but by the end of the walk I can see the birds in the trees. Keeping your body moving keeps it healthy and after you finish, you feel a great sense of accomplishment.

It’s Tea Time!

Tea on a table with leaves and tea leaves around the mug

After my morning workout, I come back to shower and prepare for the day ahead. I reward my productive start with a favorite cup of home brewed tea. After starting the day off strong, this is a nice break. Before starting on emails and the daily goals; when I’m feeling nice and relaxed, I do 15 to 30 minutes of Meditation.

Creating Peace from the Inside Out.

A girl listening to a podcast on her phone

I listen to Deepak Chopra’s guided meditations on my iPhone every day. The opening to the is a commentary by Oprah Winfrey which really speaks to me no matter how many times I listen. Deepak leads you into the practice both explaining the English centering thought and the words you will chant in the ancient language of Sanskrit. If I have time, I will listen longer and alternate the chant between both versions. Don’t worry, practice makes perfect, and sometimes you’ll find yourself chanting while doing housework!

Positive Affirmations

A girl writing out positive affirmations as a part of her daily routine

Once my time with Deepak and Oprah is finished, I take a moment to write at least one word a day on my calendar. I write about what I am thankful for on that day. Some days just write silly things like “fleece socks” or “pretty soap.” But some days it is a person I know or the fact that I have the power to write at all. This is my daily gratitude, and sometimes you can find more ways to express it. Holidays can be rough but volunteering at a food shelter or giving a little extra to a local charity makes me more aware of the grace we all can celebrate.

With the rest of the day ahead…

Breakfast food items

I try to remember to be kind to my body. There is something to be said about a well-balanced meal and the most important meal of the day is Breakfast. Break it down into two words and “Break” “Fast” makes perfect sense since we have not eaten in a good 8 hours or more. That nourishment will stoke the fires in our bellies and get the engine moving. Your body is a masterpiece, and you have to out good fuel into it to have it run right. Don’t skimp out, enjoy those berries even though they may be a little overpriced, they are still less than going to the doctor.

Et Viola!

A guy at the table doing work

In just five simple ways, you can easily jump start your day.  Having taken care of your mind, both thru a good night’s sleep and a little meditation you will be on the right track for any obstacle. Don’t forget that with a quick workout and proper diet you will keep yourself motivated. You have the ability to show gratitude with your morning ritual’s and within a couple quick hours of waking. Creating the most perfect motivational morning routine will keep you focused on the tasks of the day and keep your frame of mind positive. Now go on get motivated!

Editor: Anisha Kalsi