Now is the right time, to make a difference in your own life.

By Honour Chokote, a Life’s Rails Blog Contributor

Is it right to spend more time at the office?

A girl on a train with her head on the table

Never has it ever been said at the time of death, “I wish I spent more time in the office.” So why do we live our lives with the notion that we must spend those extra hours at the office? Yes, you might get more money. Yes, it will prove that you are a dedicated employee. But at what cost? Not to say that slacking off or missing work is the next thing to be done. 

Capture the moment!

A person holding a phone up to the landscape for a photo

Never in history has anyone been able to capture and keep a moment. Like the name states, it is there for only a short time, and then it is gone. We throw ourselves into so much work day in and day out. You are even probably reading this right now on your coffee break on your desk. I challenge you to leave your desk or where ever you are right now. Go out. And feel the sun on your skin and the wind in your hair. 

“Time waits for no man”

This is a famous saying that we have heard all too often. Would you rather sit and regret the things you didn’t do. Or think back on some moments and say, “that was an amazing experience.” You only get one life, so why spend it thinking about what you wish you could be doing rather than doing them?

Soak in your surroundings

A person walking on the beach barefoot

Remember always to take time to sit back and take everything in, from the sights and sounds to the smells and feels. You have only one life, so make it count. It passes so quickly, one second, you are here, and the next, you are not. Spend more time with your loved ones; take that trip you have been putting off. Head to the beach and feel the sand on your feet.

Bring out your inner child

A little kid running in the sun with the sprinklers on

When was the last time you played? Like… really played. Are you as carefree as a child, jumping on the bed or swinging on a swing? Moments only last for a short period of time, so do it right now. That task or activity you have been putting off. Do it right now because you don’t if there will be a tomorrow.

Editor: Anisha Kalsi