How the Power of Positivity Drastically Changes Your Quality of Life

Re-framing the Mind

Positivity has the power to change your mind and your life… literally!

According to the Law of Correspondence, your outside world is a reflection of your inner world. So, when thinking positively, the outside world begins to change drastically for the better. Take, for example, that race you have been dreading all winter long. When you begin to see yourself in a more positive light and visualizing yourself crossing the finishing line, you are able to be more excited for the race even if you are not fully prepared. By simply re-framing your mind, you are able to do wonders for yourself and the world.

Positive thinking can not only help you to accomplish your goals, dreams, and visions, but it can also boost your health and well-being significantly. Some of the health benefits linked to positive thinking include: an increased lifespan, greater resistance to the cold, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition to these wonderful health benefits, the effect of positive thinking is so impactful, that it could literally save your life. We have all heard stories of people on their deathbeds diagnosed with life-threatening diseases only to make a comeback and live a long, healthy life because they thought positive. If positive thinking can save your life, imagine what else it can do…

Positivity can also leave you feeling happier and more hopeful, and happiness is essential to success in any area of your life. So with that being said, you might be wondering how you can be more positive? 

Negative to positive!

  1. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Your brain can only hold one thought at a time. So when you replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, you will be able to successfully reframe your thinking and possibly even feelings about an idea, event, or person. Treat yourself like you would treat other people. Doing so will allow you to relax and focus on the good in the situation despite the outcomes or results. This will help you to feel less stressed, and will in effect allow you to make better decisions on where to go from there. 

Finding gratefulness in life

2. Think of and/or write down one thing you are grateful for every day. 

This will force you to think of the positive events that happened in your day, and will in effect cause you to start thinking more positively. In addition, gratitude has several health benefits, such as opening the door to more relationships, improving your physical and psychological health, boosting your self-esteem, and helping you build your mental strength.

Mental images influence us

3. Change your mental images.

Instead of imagining dark, negative clouds of thoughts, picture light, bright scenes filled with lush greenery and full of life and energy. By changing your visual processes; you will also change your outlook on life and be able to appreciate more of life, such as the beauty of nature. You will get a feel for positive imagery and will become happier in the process.

Building Overall Resiliency

4. Build resiliency.

By instituting the practice of thinking positively, you will be able to be more adaptable, accepting, and grateful. You will, in turn, develop the bounce-back attitude necessary to succeed in life. Positive, optimistic people encourage themselves and keep on treading. In the process, they develop the hope and courage necessary to deal with some of the harsh realities of life. I’ll leave you with this quote from Monty Python, “Always look on the bright side of life.” Even when life gets you down, there is something better coming your way.

By Sahana Golla, Life’s Rails Contributer, July 28, 2020