
AC Martins

AC Martins is the founder of the LifesRails Community & School, an initiative dedicated to nurturing the minds of new entrepreneurs and students through a holistic approach; encompassing mindset, mindfulness, and overall wellbeing.

With a mission to empower and inspire, Martins has established a branch for Business Support Services within the LifesRails framework. Here, she alleviates the burdens of burnout for both businesses and individuals by offering a range of support and organizing resources.


A passionate advocate for mental health, Martins specializes in Burnout Prevention, leveraging her expertise to guide others toward sustainable success. Her educational journey includes a Bachelor of Arts degree from Simon Fraser University, where she majored in the School of Communication and Interactive Arts & Technology.

AC Martins’s commitment to fostering a healthier, more balanced professional landscape resonates through her multifaceted contributions in the realms of education, entrepreneurship, and wellbeing.

β€œAll we can do is our best!” – AC Martins

The Book

I wrote this book because I thought it necessary and healing for myself. And along the way, I began looking forward to sharing it and hoping it would also help many others. I wrote it over time, starting the research early on, and expanding the idea of it as I unfortunately continued to experience more of my own mini-burnouts.

This book will help us mitigate, recover and/or eliminate burnout from our lives; but it’s up to us all to maintain and keep to the steps proposed,to not fall back into the same patterns that led us to Burnout in the first place! Do the work, and stay BURNOUT FREE! πŸ˜‰Β 

Read Today

Inside, you will discover:
- Incredibly helpful strategies to deal with burnout and achieve work-life balance.
- The 3 types of personalities that are most vulnerable to burnout – and what to do if you are one of them
- Realistic action plans to help you gain the confidence to speak about your burnout issues to your boss
- Effective and actionable strategies to overcome guilt when taking a break from work
- Calming questions that will work as stress busters and help you feel instantly relaxed
- A strong scientific take on burnout (hint: it is not merely a motivation problem)
- A bundle of personal burnout anecdotes you can instantly relate to – plus tactics to handle each scenario!