Are your words uplifting or demoralizing?

By Honour Chokote, a Life’s Rails Blog Contributor

Fun fact: The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body.

Not only does it carry this attribute, but it is also the most powerful. When talking about power here, I don’t mean the literal physical strength of the tongue. But instead that your tongue can change your current situation. It can make or break a situation as well as a person. 

Are you using uplifting words?

When we say things most of the time, we don’t realize the power behind our words. We think, “it’s just something I usually say.” “Everyone is saying it; I can say it too.” “It was just a joke; it didn’t mean anything.” But what you need to know is if it hurtful, and you didn’t mean it, you still might have just hurt someone else.

Things like, “I hate you, just kidding,” “I am not your friend anymore,” “you suck.” They all sound like everyday things we say in passing. But if this is something that you may have accidentally said after someone had a terrible day? Well, it’s no longer funny or a joke.

Here are some uplifting words you can use!

Instead of saying something hurtful, try saying something more uplifting like, “wow, you look stunning today.” “I appreciate your friendship.” “I am proud of you.” Now, how do you think that same person would feel going through a lousy day? Words are powerful, so use your “freedom of speech” wisely.

Self-Love is Important.

Your words can make the difference between something turning out good and something turning out wrong. Words don’t only affect people outside. You are also a recipient of your own words. “I suck,” “I am useless,” “I am not talented,” “I can’t do anything right.” These are the things that we say to ourselves in anger. But the truth is, if we normalize these words, they will become our reality. It is easy for us to talk down on ourselves when we mess up. But how many times do we do uplift and pat ourselves on the back? Not very much right?

Positive Affirmations.

Well, it is time for us to normalize saying good things and instead of saying something negative, let’s try putting a positive spin on it, “I messed up, but I’ll get it right next time.” “I did an amazing job today.” “I am so talented.” Practice doing these uplifting affirmations regularly, and after a short while, it will become your reality.

Editor: Anisha Kalsi